Forsyth Water Trapping Lures

Water Trapping Lure

Compounded from only the finest glands, musks, and oils obtainable.
Watch the trailer for Coyote Trapping With Stan Forsyth. Stan shares over 40 years of canine trapping experience in the farm lands of Alberta to help you become the best coyote trapper possible.
Watch six wolves coming into Forsyth Lures' Famous Wolf Gland Lure. This video was captured by the  Fish & Wildlife of British Columbia during wolf studies. Lure choice for the study was from Stan Forsyth.
Watch Making Sense of Scents -- over 13 minutes of information from luremaker Stan Forsyth who explains lure and bait usage and the importance of using them on your trapline.
Forsyth Mink Lure

Mink Lure
On the main menu of the old musky tail. We definitely recommend this lure for any mink trappers. This includes one secret ingredient that makes this lure stand high above all others in its class.

50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Mink Gland Lure

Mink Gland Lure
A natural mink gland lure, full of glands and secretion for the wise old buck.

50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Muskrat Call Lure

Muskrat Call Lure
Lots of Rat calling ingredients in this one. Place waterproof lure on dry stick. I have watched many a rat take off with the stick and lick it clean. This one is a must for the serious muskrat trapper.

50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Trouble Maker Lure

Trouble Maker Lure
For Raccoon. Trouble Maker was developed in 2009, tested in Nova Scotia and customers throughout New York and Iowa in either Cage Traps or Dog Proof Raccoon Traps. This heavy paste type curiosity food based with a sweet smell makes it deadly attractant to the coons! Freeze proof and long lasting in cold & wet weather. Further testing has also proven that grey fox are extremely enticed to it!
50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Beaver Lure

Beaver Lure
An old standby with thousands of beaver to its credit; this thick, dark, waterproof lure endures spring rains and autumn frosts. Used by professional government trappers everywhere for beaver control. It has been rated a top notch beaver lure. Anytime! Anywhere!

50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Beaver Call Lure

Beaver Call Lure
Exceptional in quality this product is a rich red oil-type lure with a different twist and is excellent for a change-up lure on the wise old flat-tail. Formulated to meet the high standards of Forsyth Lures this one will be sure to pull the beaver in.

50ml (1.70 oz) - $13.95
Forsyth Fox Call Lure

Fox Call Lure
Does what the name says - calls the fox in. A shot of pure skunk gives this carefully blended lure an added boost. Equally as good on coyote and bobcat, Fox Call will work almost as hard as you do. Formulated to be used in most weather conditions it has been tested to -40F. Try a bottle!

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Bobcat & Lynx Lure

Bobcat & Lynx Lure
Big seller in northern BC and Alaska; highly effective, very strong and definitely an all season lure which appeals to the cat's natural curiosity. Bobcat & Lynx has the ability to draw out the feline and hold its interest at the set. Works well in all types of terrain.

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Lonesome Tom Lure

Lonesome Tom
Every cat's passion! Developed in 2010 with 30 years of lure making experience going into this jar. Cats can be reluctant to investigate odors at times, but this one was formulated to enhance their sexual response and curiosity. Trapper's can't depend on food odors alone when rabbit cycles are high.
$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Lynx Gland Lure

Lynx Gland Lure
Due to high demand from the cat trappers, this lure was formulated from fresh lynx glands type and secretions precisely seasoned. It brings out the territorial instinct of every cat! Put up in a thick freeze proof paste. Works on coyote and wolves as well.

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Timber Wolf Gland Lure

Wolf Gland Lure
If you are serious about trapping these elusive animals this is the lure for you. A true favorite of the hard core wolfers, this thick gland lure is extremely powerful. Count on it!

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Timber Wolf Call Lure

Wolf Call Lure
This specially designed mid-range lure is a supreme blend of fixed base oils and ingredients that are highly attractive to the wolf family. This can be used alone or in combination with our Wolf Gland Lure. It meets our rigid standards - you be the judge.

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Wolverine Lure

Wolverine Lure
Twenty years of use have proven this to be a great attractor for the "old devil." Long line trappers use this to trap this elusive and destructive opponent. Contains genuine musk of weasel glands. Not one to be without!

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Weasel Lure

Weasel Lure
Developed due to a high demand and strong ermine prices, this lure is based on a blend of weasel glands and natural food ingredients.

$12.95 - 50ml
Forsyth Fisher & Marten Lure

K9 Triple Take Lure
Without a doubt this is the best Fisher & Marten lure on the market today! Constant demand makes this a huge success and a sellout every year. For the 20th year in a row this has been our number one seller. Works well on all types of predators. Once you have tried it you won't start a trapping season without it.
$12.95 - 50ml
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Website by HawkMtn